Heart of Hope

A message of hope and inspiration for the hurting

Prayer, More than Just a Chore

Beginning no later than when we accept Christ, we have all heard the two most basic things that we are “supposed” to do as a Christian are to read the Bible and to Pray. For many of us these tasks become chores that we either start or end or day with. I am here to tell you from personal experience that prayer can be so much more than that.

My brothers,  sisters,  and friends it is my experience and belief that prayer is not simply something we do, it is an attitude that becomes a part of our nature.  Prayer is not what we do it is who we are.

Pray, prayer and all the other conjugates and similar words to it are found no less than 300 times and as many as 700 in the scriptures depending on the version that is considered.

The following are excerpts from the listing in Encyclopedia Britannica for “prayer”

Prayer, an act of communication by humans with the sacred or holy—God….
Prayer may be a corporate or personal act utilizing various forms and techniques. Prayer has been described in its sublimity as “an intimate friendship, a frequent conversation held alone with the Beloved”

Well, that doesn’t really tell us anything that we didn’t already know or did it? Let’s look at it a little closer.

“Prayer, an act of communication by humans with the sacred or holy—God.”

Prayer is communicating with God. The last time I checked communication was a two way street. Thus, it is my belief that prayer is as much about listening as it is speaking. Repeatedly in Revelation‬s in the letters to the churches, John wrote, “He has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” This passage while an encouragment to pay attention to what he is sharing,  I believe it is a call to keep our ears and hearts open to hear the still small voice of the Spirit. We then pray back to the Father accordingly to the Spirit’s leading.
Thus, we we have been called to “Pray without ceasing.” Here again, this is not to lock ourselves in a closet and be in prayer for hours on end, it is walking in an attitude of prayer.

Let’s look at that last portion from Encyclopedia Britannica –

Prayer has been described in its sublimity as “an intimate friendship, a frequent conversation held alone with the Beloved”

In short, prayer is not a duty but the result of a relationship. Just as you carry on frequent conversations with your spouse or friends, prayer is the conversation between us and our Savior and Lord.

That brings me back to the middle portion of the entry.

Prayer may be a corporate or personal act utilizing various forms and techniques.

While I said earlier that prayer isn’t locking ourselves in a closet for hours on end, that is not to say that it can not be. There are definitely times we will likely be called into intercession, and we really do PUSH, Pray Until Something Happens.
At other times. our prayers may feel more formal, solemn, and reverent.  Yet, as mentioned earlier,  prayer may be just like we are talking to our best friend or Dad.
One final thought here, I believe that Praise and Worship are a form of prayer as well. What are praise and worship? They are us expressing our gratitude, love, and awe to our God for who He is and what He has done for us.

My friends,  none of us, myself included, pray as much as we need to do so. Yet,  I urge you to consider your current perspective on prayer and  consider if you need to change how you pray.

Well, I have to be honest,  this did not come out as I thought it would when I set out to write it, and there will likely be a follow-up up post to it. Nonethel, ss I hope it has challenged, inspi, ed and encouraged you.

Until next time, be blessed,

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