Heart of Hope

A message of hope and inspiration for the hurting

Church, More than a Building

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  Matthew 18:20

“Going to Church” does not necessarily require a building, a pastor, or worship leader. No matter where we are, if 2 or more believers come together and they acknowledge the presence of Christ by the Holy Spirit, that very place becomes a church.
Have you ever noticed that when you are spending time with friends who are fellow believers, the atmosphere just feels different as compared to when you are with others who are not believers? That difference is the presence of the Holy Spirit. 
My friends He longs for us to recognize and acknowledge His presence in the midst of us in our day to day. Take a look back at the verse that preceeds this one.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.    Matthew 18:19

When we come together,  recognize, acknowledge, and call upon Him agreeing in prayer. He promises that our prayer will be heard and answered by the Father.

Let us then be purposeful in recognizing His presence in our midst, especially when we are outside of the “Church.” His presence not only draws us closer to Him and other believers, it draws others who don’t know Him towards Him.

Let our words and deeds always be an example of His love, mercy,  grace, and goodness so as to reveal those attributes to a hurting and dying world that so desperately needs needs to know Him.

Where will you have “Church” today?

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